Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Gap Inc Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Gap Inc - Case Study Example (About Gap Inc: Social Responsibility Report) Their products are marketed under the brand names of Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy and Piperlime. The brands are moderately upscale labels that target the fashion conscious consumer. Gap manufactures and markets wearing apparel and accessories and the brands have some overlap in products and target markets. Gap, Banana Republic, and Old Navy, manufacture similar products that are differentiated by luxury, price, and value. Piperlime is an online shoe store that specializes in marketing over 200 brands of fashionable, upscale footwear. All their products are direct marketed online at dedicated brand web sites. In 2007, Gap Inc. test marketed a brand under the name of Forth and Towne. They subsequently closed 19 stores in 10 cities after the brand failed to demonstrate significant potential. (About Gap Inc: 2007 Annual Report) The organizational stakeholders at Gap Inc. are 150,000 employees, shareholders, CEO, Board of Directors, and executive office holders. Gap Inc. is headed by CEO Glenn K Murphy, who has over 20 years of retail experience. He has been at the head of Gap Inc. for less than one year and this is his first experience in the apparel industry. Japan and Europe are directed by presidents John Ermatinger and Stephen Sunnucks.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Solar Energy Essay Example for Free

Solar Energy Essay |The increasing cost of energy and the reality of almost-depleted oil resources have driven man to discover alternative sources. And now, the human race has turned to the basic elements of nature by harnessing energy from wind, water, and the sun. Solar energy is a renewable form of energy and has been a major focus as an alternative source.   It offers promising potentials as a clean renewable form of energy but it also has its limitations. Sun, as our closest star, is practically an indirect and direct source of available energy here on Earth.    But it was only until recently that the potentials of solar energy appealed to society as it has been greatly improved through research and study. The sun’s energy originates from the nuclear reactions at its core where temperature reaches 15 millions  °C.   It reaches the Earth’s surface in form of light and heat and can be gained at 1Kw/ m2 under optimal conditions.   In order to use solar radiation there has to be a way to capture the energy.   Solar panels are invented to collect the sun’s energy and can de converted directly or indirectly  ¦to other forms of energy, such as heat and electricity.   Applications of solar energy can be for heating/cooling, electricity production, and chemical processes such as in solar detoxification technologies for cleaning water and air. There are many advantages of solar energy over other conventional forms.     As a renewable form of energy, the primary benefit of this is that it will never run out.   The sun provides unlimited supply of solar energy, and is virtually free after the user recovers the initial cost of installation.   The use of solar panels in homes does not need fuels and produces no waste or pollution.   The Clean Energy Ideas website further presented on the advantages of solar power that the only pollution that could be associated with this is may be during the production of the cell and transportation to ones home.   But by the time that it is installed, this solar power system has the total lack of pollution given off. Solar energy also has the ability to harness power in remote locations.   It has an advantage to bring electricity in the remote places on earth as long as the sun contains enough energy in that location. Mountain communities, for example, could benefit a lot from the electricity powered by solar energy as constructing conventional power lines in these places will be very difficult or near impossible due to expensive cost it would incur. Solar energy power system can be stand alone structures that do not require connection to power or natural gas grid. A major limitation of solar energy is its ability to collect and store energy so there is a constant power supply.   Since it cannot function at night when the sun’s power is not available or in places where the sun is not able to provide enough energy for the amount of energy needed for use, there are times that back up energy source is needed.   The irregular and variable manner that solar energy arrives on earth limits the use of this form of energy.   Large areas are also needed to collect it at a useful rate. In the United Kingdom, for example, where the country experiences not a very sunny climate, solar power is use only for low power application.   Jesse Ausebel of the of the Rockefeller University in New York in his article for the Indersciences International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology, claims that renewable energy is not always green (Inderscience, 2007). He criticized solar power since a â€Å"photovoltaic solar cell plant would require painting black about than 150 square kilometers plus land for storage and retrieval to equal a 1000 MWe nuclear plant†. Since this form of   renewable energy involves vast infrastructure, such as concrete, steel, and access roads, Ausebel further added that As a Green, one of my credos is no new structures but renewables all involve ten times or more stuff per kilowatt as natural gas or nuclear, (Inderscience, 2007). The initial cost of installation of solar panels or building solar power stations can be very expensive, discouraging some of the could-be users of solar energy.   It has appealed mostly to the affluent members of society and environment advocates because buying and installing solar power equipment can cost $15,000 for an average-size home before any current starts to flow a John Greenwald wrote in his article for Time magazine (Greenwald, 1993). Advance studies and research, however, are trying to lower the cost of installation so that this could be accessible to more people.   The technology in harnessing the potentials of solar energy is getting better and cheaper with the passing years.   The price of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight to electricity has fallen from $500 a watt in the 1960s to about $4 in the 1990s and companies are still finding ways to reduce the cost for residential use (Greenwald, 1993). As the technology is getting better, support from the federal government are also coming in.   Jimmy Carter earlier created tax breaks to spur solar development but this was later scrapped by Ronald Reagan who viewed this as meddling in the energy business, which impeded the development of renewable energy for about 10 years (Greenwald, 1993). With the current situation of our environment, however, the government and the society in general recognizes the need and benefit from developing and improving solar energy. The use of solar energy for electricity is not a farfetched idea as the technology has gone through vast improvements.   Researchers believe that solar energy is soon going to play a major role in electricity generation for the masses.   Production of this on a larger scale are being studied and improved. Budget allocations for these research and studies are being increased in countries around the world signifying that people are finally recognizing the advantages of this renewable form of energy. Energy is needed to spur human activities.   Solar energy indeed poses promising potentials in a society where conventional sources of energy are near depletion.   Undeniably, the solar energy has its limitations, but these are slowly and surely overcome with technological advances and it will not be for long when this energy form will be produced in a larger scale and cheaper rate accessible for homes around the globe. WORKS CITED:    Clean Energy Ideas. Greenwald, John. Here Comes the Sun. 18 October 1993. Time magazine.,9171,979413-3,00.html A Brief Introduction to Solar Energy. My Solar Power at Home. Natural Resources Canada. Renewable Energy. Renewable Energy Wrecks Environment, According To Researcher. Inderscience Publishers. 25 July 2007

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Tempest - Barbarism versus Civilization :: English Literature Essays

The Tempest - Barbarism versus Civilization In Shakespeare’s play, "The Tempest," an underlying theme of barbarism versus civilization appears. Shakespeare creates characters that exemplify symbols of nature or nurture. The symbolism of the characters is derived from their actions. These actions show Shakespeare’s view of the uncivilized and the civilized, as well as help the reader develop his own opinion of each side. In this whimsical play, Prospero, the former Duke of Milan, after being supplanted of his dukedom by his brother, arrives on an island. He frees a spirit named Ariel from a spell and in turn makes the spirit his slave. He also enslaves a native monster named Caliban. These two slaves, Caliban and Ariel, symbolize the theme of nature versus nurture. Caliban is regarded as the representation of the wild; the side that is usually looked down upon. Although from his repulsive behavior, Caliban can be viewed as a detestable beast of nature, it can be reasonably inferred that Shakespeare’s intent was to make Caliban a sympathetic character. During the first encounter, Caliban comes across very bestial and immoral. While approaching Caliban’s cave, Prospero derogatorily says, "†¦[he] never/Yields us kind answer," meaning Caliban never answers respectfully. When Prospero reaches the cave, he calls to Caliban. Caliban abruptly responds, "There’s wood enough within." His short, snappy reply and his odious tone, reveal the bitterness he feels from leading a servile life. Caliban’s rudeness makes him seem like an unworthy and despicable slave. Also, Caliban displays an extreme anger toward Prospero. When Caliban is asked to come forth he speaks corruptly, "As wicked dew as e’er my mother brushed/With raven’s feather from unwholesome fen/Drop on you both!†¦And blister you all o’er!" Caliban’s attitude and disrespect is unfitting for a servant. However, his actions are justified. Until Prospero arrived on the island, Caliban was his own king. The island was left to him by his mother, Sycorax. Nevertheless, Prospero took charge of the isle and eventually enslaved Caliban. "†¦Thou strok’st me†¦I loved thee†¦" is part of a quote that illustrates Caliban’s relationship with Prospero before he was his slave. Prospero comforted Caliban and gave him water and berries; he taught him how to speak, as well. During this time Caliban loved Prospero and showed him the features of the island, "The fresh springs, brine-pits, barren place and fertile†¦" Caliban regrets helping Prospero as he says towards the end of his speech, "Cursed be I that did so!" Caliban feels this way due to his imprisonment.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

History of Computers :: Computing Services Technology Essays

History of Computers For many people living in the 21st century, the computer has become a very important tool for everyone. The computer has the ability to give information, it can help to correct mistakes that people make, and it is able to keep track of many things. It is also able to do many different calculations, this was one of the reasons that sparked the idea of the computer so many years ago. The first computer dates back to about 2000 years ago. With the abacus, a wooden rack holing two horizontal wires with beads strung on them (Meyers 1). This idea came about because man wanted to be able to automate the counting system. Even though this was not an automatic machine, it allowed the user to remember calculations and it also help to perform complex problems (Hoyle). After the creation of the abacus there was not really much advancement on the computer. Until Blaise Pascal working on the first digital computer in 1642 (Meyers 1). Pascal’s dad was a tax collector and he designed the computer so that it would be easier for his father for perform mathematical computations. The machine was called the Pascaline computer. The computer was able to add and after making few adjustments it was able to multiply (Hoyle). In the 1600’s this was remarkable technology at the time but there were disadvantages. If there was a problem with the computer only Pascal would be able to fix it and it would cost a lot. In 1812 a mathematics professor by the name of Charles Babbage became aware 1 that many mathematical calculation were predictable and so therefore it was possible that it could be done automatically.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

National Government in America 1775 to 1789

Americans developed many types of â€Å"national† governments between 1775 to 1789. Each of these variations in centralized governments served different purposes through out this time period. They also represented the ideologies and fears of the people in how they were regarded, empowered, and organized. One of the first unified fronts that the colonial states presented in a form of centralized governments was the formation of the Second Congress. The Second Congress met on May 10, 1775 in Philadelphia. It had many of the same restrictions that the First Congress had when it met in September 1774. Their purpose was to perform in two contradictory ways. First they had to raise money for an army. All the while negotiating a reconciliation with England. Some of the delegates included, John Hancock, John and Samuel Adams, John Dickinson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and James Madison. Although these delegates were, for the most part, of the same mind in 1775, times would later change them: influencing all of them in different political directions. This Congress had virtually no power. They did not have any authority to write or change laws. But they could raise an army, finance the war, gathering a pro-independence coalition, and they could explore diplomatic alliances with foreign countries. So little power was given to Congress, by the states, because of a deeply embedded fear of a powerful centralized government. Unwilling to repeat the mistake made in Britain, placing so much power in such a small governing body, was something that the states strived to not repeat. And they kept that in mind when they elected to draft the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation, drafted by John Dickinson in May 1775, allowed Congress to issue bills, borrow money, to settle all disputes between states, and to administer unsettled western lands. However, many state governments did not like the last two provisions (settle disputes between states and control all western lands). Those issues would cause Congress to debate the Articles for years. To amend the Articles, all states had to unanimously agree to the changes. Again the second class powers given to the national government was due to the states fear of an all-powerful central government. For it could potentially jeopardize the freedoms of the people it governed. Just like it had when the king of England and Parliament passed various revenue generating taxes on the colonies without representation. By 1781 economic turmoil began to weaken the newly formed confederation of the states. The cost of the war had plunged the colonies into economic hardship. From 1781 to 1788 is known as the â€Å"critical period.† After the revolution the first priority was to pay for the war itself. Congress had given land certificates to solders that fought in the war against the British, as payment for their service. They had also printed money to pay for the military supplies and pay solders, but the money was never backed by â€Å"hard money.† Hard money is gold or silver. In 1775 this printed money had some value, but it was virtually worthless by 1781. Many states had also printed paper money in excess, as well. Further confusing and disrupting the economy and plunging the country into deeper economic debt. Even though Congress was granted the right to print money, it did not have the right to tax. Without the ability to tax, Congress had no means of collecting revenue to pay for the war. A weakness that was discovered when Robert Morris served as Superintendent of Finance for the Confederation from 1781 to 1784. Morris originally proposed a five-percent impost tax on all imported goods into the country. But most coastal states already had impost taxes, which they used to pay for their potions of the war debt. Also Congress did not have the authority to impose such taxes on the states populations according to the Articles of Confederation. Nor did they have any means of enforcing compliance of such tax laws. This proposal was soon dropped. A second plan by Morris called for a nationally supported bank that would hold Congress†s hard money along with other investors and private citizens. In return the bank would give the government short-term loans. This plan also allowed the bank to print â€Å"banknotes.† Banknotes were paper money that was backed by hard money in the bank vaults: therefore they would not depreciate in value. The theory behind this was that with paper money backed by hard money it would provide the nation with some economic stability. Morris† national bank worked with limited success. The bank was relatively small; it printed little money (even thought it actually printed more paper money than what it could back in hard money) for circulation. Therefore, it had limited impact on the economy: providing little stability. In the fall of 1786 the economic troubles of the Confederation reached a peak. Armed men threatened the courts in Massachusetts over the newly imposed taxes passed by the state. Not only were additional taxes passed, but also the state insisted that they be paid in hard money. Most citizens at the time had little hard money on hand. This caused many to arm themselves again, in protest against the hardships that the government was imposing on them. Daniel Shays was the leader, who was a farmer, and also had served as a captain in the Continental army during the revolution. Shays, with 2,500 other, marched on the courts of Massachusetts. James Bowdoing, governor of Massachusetts at the time, quickly put the rebellion down. Later this uprising would be called Shays Rebellion. The significance of Shays Rebellion was that it demonstrated that the nation was still in unrest. Originators of the revolution found themselves on the other side of the table. In their efforts to repay the war debt and maintain a standard of living and success of their businesses, they had placed economic hardships on the people in the form of excessive taxes. Although Congress and the state governments had few options (one being to print money in excess or to heavily tax the people), some thought that there was a better way. Economic problems come from the simple fact that all thirteen states printed their own money. Some states (with strong economies: Virginia and New York) relied on taxes solely to repay their portions of the war debt quickly. While other states that had poor economies simply printed more money to compensate for monetary fluctuations. One theory was that if a unified economy could be established it would help ease the situation and growing tensions. But to have that you would need a unified national government, one with more powers than the present Congress had to manage it. At the prompting of James Madison, the Virginia legislature called a meeting of the states. The way this meeting was called bypassed the confederation Congress. The purpose of this meeting was to try and modify the Articles of Confederation, to give Congress power to regulate trade in hopes to improve the economic problems. But only five of the nine states, which agreed to participate, attended. Out of those who did attend, all had the same impression of a pending national crisis. So the meeting was rescheduled for Philadelphia in May 1787 in order to try and get more participants to attend. During the time it took for a quorum to gather, Madison and the Virginian delegates drafted a fifteen-point plan, which totally restructured the confederation. Once the seriousness was reveled of what was really under discussion, it was unanimously decided to keep all of the proceedings completely confidential. To help keep order, George Washington was elected to preside over the convention. Virginia was the first to propose vast changes in the federal government. Their plan, presented by Edmund Randolph, called for a three-branch government. With a two chamber legislature, a powerful executive, and judiciary branch. This government operated directly on the people. Congress had the right to veto state legislation, coerce states militarily to obey national laws, and to legislate in areas were states are incompetent. The executive and judiciary branch could veto jointly any legislation presented by Congress. To say the least this plan was heavily debated. But it did not meet any out right opposition. William Paterson, who was from New Jersey, presented an alternative plan in mid June. This plan became know as the New Jersey Plan and resembled some of the Articles of Confederation. It had a single house Congress in which the states would have one vote. But it would have a shared three-man presidency, of who were elected by Congress. This three-man group took the place of the executive and judiciary branches. This plan gave vast powers to Congress: it was allowed to regulate trade, and to use force on unruly states. However, the plan still rested on the confederation principle of the national government that was to be an assembly of states and not of the people. A compromise later broke the heavy debates over the two plans. By mid July it was agreed that the new form of government should be a three-branch government with supreme power over the states and bicameral legislature (with a Lower House of Representatives appointed by population and the Senate who represented each state). In the Senate the two senators could vote independently of each other. This was the first emergence of the present day federal government; a government based on the representation of the people. The next hurtle was to define who the people were. In southern states they had large majorities of people who could not vote, but would give power to them through the new form of Congress. But these people were slaves: the debate was, are they citizens or are they property. To the southern states they were citizens, with the idea that they would allow more power for them in the Congress. However, smaller northern states with little or no slaves viewed them as property. Who had no right to representation in Congress. This debate created what is known as the â€Å"three-fifths clause.† Which stated that only three-fifths of the non-voting population could be counted when deciding the number of representatives in Congress. With most of the problems out of the way, the next step was to have the thirteen states ratify the new form of government. Only nine states needed to ratify, and pass, the proposal in order to make it law, however, it was going to be an up hill battle. For the states would not give up their powers so easily. The proponents of the new government called themselves Federalist; opponents to the new government took the name of Anti-Federalist. By May 1788, eight of the states ratified the proposal. To help gain more support, the federalists James Madison and John Jay wrote a series of essays called â€Å"The Federalists Papers.† The essays started in October 1787, and totaled eighty-five altogether. They were published in New York newspapers in hopes to win the states vote for the new government. New York was critical to the success of the proposal, after Virginia, New York was the next most influential state. If New York could be persuaded to pass the new form of government it would assure solidity and legitimacy to the new government. Even though Virginia and New York†s ratification was not necessary to the passing of the new government, the federalists wanted to have a unanimous vote. Having these two states would help in pulling the remaining two states in (North Carolina and Rhode Island) into a unanimous agreement among the thirteen states. These two states did finally ratify the new government, but not until May of 1790, and at that, they barely ratified the new government by only a two-vote margin. Prior to the revolution the ideology that prevailed was that government should be local, and directly represent the people. If a government was to be too large and to far from the people it served, it had the potential to become a dictatorship in its management of country affairs. But because of the economic strain of the war, the thirteen different economies and monetary systems were not adequate. Nor could they stabilize the economics of the confederacy. A few politicians of the time (like James Madison and Alexander Hamilton) had a vision of a more powerful centralized government that would be able to bring the states in line with national policy and help to stabilize the local economies. While showing the world a unified front among the states. Several debates would develop over the idea of a more powerful government over such things as the definition of representation by population, the western territories, and the power of the states vs. the power of the federal government and Congress. Compromises, persuasive arguments, and essays would have to be made by everyone. But finally, in May of 1790, the thirteen states would agree on a larger, more powerful federal government. Which had authority over the states in matters of taxation, trade, and fundamental laws that transverse state lines.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Poverty in India BY AAN patel Essay Example

Poverty in India BY AAN patel Essay Example Poverty in India BY AAN patel Essay Poverty in India BY AAN patel Essay What is POVERTYPoverty is the state of being extremely poor. If we say someone is experiencing poverty, then we mean that the person is living on a bare subsistence level.Poverty in IndiaIndia  suffers from a lot of  poverty, which means that many people do not have enough  money. 27.5% of the population was living below the  poverty line  in 2004–2005.  Monthly per capita consumption expenditure is below Rs. 356.35 for rural areas and Rs. 538.60 for urban areas. 1 out of every 4 Indians earns less than $0.40 per day. 75% of the poor are in rural areas. Most of them are daily wagers and landless labourers.A study was done by the McKinsey Global Institute. This study found 54% of the people living in India were living on a household income of less than 90,000  rupees  a year. That means about a dollar per person per day.National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (NCEUS) published a report in 2007. This report states that 77% of Indians (that m eans 836 million people), lived on less than 20 rupees per day (USD  0.50 nominal,  USD  2.0 in PPP). Most of them have no job or social security. They live in abject poverty.One of the problems with estimating poverty in India is a lack of consistent and reliable numbers. McKinsey study quoted above (46% at $1 a day or above for a household size of 5) is off by a factor compared to 77% under $0.5 a day by NCEUS. To add insult to injury here are some industry numbers that do not fit well with 77% under $0.5 a day.The number of cell phones in India was 250 Million  in Jan 2008; about 400 million in mid 2009 and slated to easily cross 500 Million  [5]in 2010 with a current growth rate of over 10 million new cell phones a month. A growth that is clearly not abating. At $20–$200 per cell phone and $0.02-$0.04 a minute rate, it is a luxury that folks earning $1 a day cannot afford after paying for food, housing, and clothes.2001 numbers for basic amenities from census bu reau[6]  for percentage household

Monday, October 21, 2019

Standardized Testing for Homeschoolers

Standardized Testing for Homeschoolers Nearly half of all states in the U.S. either require standardized testing for homeschoolers  or offer testing as one of the options for demonstrating academic progress. Many parents who arent required to do so utilize standardized testing to objectively assess their childrens progress. If either of those scenarios describe you,  but your child hasn’t tested before, you may be unsure what your  options are or how to get started. Your state or local homeschool support group should be able to answer most questions specific to your state or county. However, the general information and  guidelines to consider are fairly universal.   Types of Tests There are several options for standardized testing. You may want to check your state’s homeschool laws  to be sure that the  test you’re considering satisfies your state’s laws. You may also wish to compare testing options for your state. Some of the more well-known testing options include: 1. The Iowa Test of Basic Skills is a nationally standardized test for children in grades  K-12. It covers language arts, math, science, social studies, and study skills. It is a timed test that can  be administered any time during the school year, but it must be administered by someone with at least a  B.A. degree.   2. The Stanford Achievement Test is a nationally standardized test for children in grades K-12 covering language arts, math, science, social studies, and reading comprehension. It is an untimed test that must be administered by someone with at least  B.A. degree. There is now an online version that may allow in-home testing since the online source is considered the test administrator. 3. The California Achievement Test is a nationally standardized test for children in grades 2-12 that can be administered by parents and returned to the testing supplier for scoring.The CAT is a timed test that can be administered any time during the year and an online testing option is available.  Many homeschooling families prefer the CAT, an older version of the current CAT/5 test. The updated version can be used for grades K-12.   4. The Personalized Achievement Summary Survey (PASS) is a standardized test developed specifically for homeschoolers that meets the standardized testing requirements in some, but not all states. PASS is an untimed test that covers reading, language, and math for students in grades 3-12. It can be administered by parents and no degree is required. How to choose the right standardized test Just as with curriculum, scheduling, or any other aspect of homeschooling, choosing the right test for your students is very subjective. Some questions to consider are: Will your child do better with a timed or untimed test? Some kids get very stressed when using a timed test.Do you want to be able to administer the test yourself? If so, do you meet the qualification requirements for the test you’re considering?If you are not qualified to administer the test yourself, do you have a friend, relative, or homeschool contact who can administer the test for you?Does the test have restrictions or guidelines regarding testing your own children?What subjects does the test cover? Is it comprehensive enough to meet your needs?Is the test considered to be appropriately challenging for your child? Some standardized tests have a reputation for being more rigorous than others. You may want to ask around to ensure that you’re choosing a test that thoroughly assesses your child’s ability without reaching frustration level. Regardless of which  you choose, it’s often wise to  administer the same test each year in order to provide an accurate view of your child’s progress from year to year. Where to take tests There are many options for where students can be tested, though the choices may be limited by factors such as the guidelines of the particular test or  your state’s homeschool laws. Many homeschooling families prefer to administer tests themselves at home. There are several sources for ordering testing materials or taking standardized tests online. You may want to check your state homeschool support group’s website for information specific to your state. Some popular testing supply options include: Seton Testing ServicesBJU PressABeka TestingHewitt Homeschooling Some other testing location options may include: Co-op. Many homeschooling co-ops offer testing for their member families, and some open testing to non-member  homeschooling families, as well.Homeschool support groupsUmbrella or church-related schools Regardless of whether  you’re testing to fulfill your state’s homeschool  laws or  to monitor  your child’s academic progress,  these basic facts can help you choose  the standardized testing options to best  meet your family’s needs.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Essays on Plato and Aristotle

Essays on Plato and Aristotle Essays on Plato and Aristotle Essays on Plato and AristotleThe name of Aristotle is for many generations associated with great ideas and contribution into metaphysical, political, ethical views in the field of philosophy, as well as biology, botany, mathematics, medicine and agriculture. He was one of Plato’s students, who however finally rejected his theory of forms and was considered by most researchers more empirically-minded than Plato and his teacher – Socrates. Aristotle introduced new ideas into the most of spheres of life, which he worked with. In total this philosopher produced around 200 treatises, out of which only 31 were saved for future generations. Mostly, these were lectures, some drafts, notes, manuscripts, which are said to lack the general prose style, used by Aristotle. A great contribution he maid into the sphere of mathematics and biology, moreover some of the classifications, he suggested, are in use till nowadays.   Further in this paper we are going to study the key views of Aristotle in the fields of metaphysics, ethics, politics, epistemology in comparison to other his contemporaries and philosophers.The name metaphysics was given to the works of Aristotle on first philosophy. Aristotle treats philosophy starting from its historical appearance, according to him, it developed as soon as all the basic human needs were secured. Religion could answer all the life questions of an individual only partially, and thus the constant feelings of curiosity provided a good ground for the development of the philosophical views and ideas. Socrates is considered to be one of the first philosophers, contributing to â€Å"the expression of general conceptions in the form of definitions, which he arrived at by induction and analogy† (Ackrill, 1997). Aristotle in his turn understood metaphysics, as the combination of the first principles of scientific knowledge, the unique condition for the whole existing world. For his metaphysics deals directly with being as being, involving at the same time all the attributes to the process of being. This means, that for example in mathematics the being is described with the help of lines and angles, in reality existence is not included as it is in itself. The character of metaphysics is rather universal, that is why it is often compared to sophistry or dialectics. The key difference between metaphysics and dialectics is in its preliminary character; from sophistry it differs due to non-consideration of reality for formulating the basis of knowledge. According to Aristotle there are a lot of universal truths. â€Å"Against the followers of Heraclitus and Protagoras, Aristotle defends both the laws of contradiction, and that of excluded middle. He does this by showing that their denial is suicidal. Carried out to its logical consequences, the denial of these laws would lead to the sameness of all facts and all assertions. It would also result in indifference in conduct† (Adler, 1978). The main qu estion, asked in the metaphysics of Aristotle is the following – what is understood under the actual substance? Plato stated that the universal element of knowledge and existence are the corresponding forms which remain permanent, when the senses change. Aristotle didn’t agree with this position. He argued that forms do not have the necessary power to explain what changes happen to things. Neither could they be responsible for realization, of how people come to certain knowledge about some special things. The last weak point of this theory Aristotle found in the lack of special forms for explaining our knowledge about art and its objects. Aristotle could not agree with the existence of some abstract forms, as he understood the form rather inside the phenomena of sense; the real being as a concrete thing, and not an abstract form.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"In the Metaphysics, though, it frequently inclines towards realism (that is, substance has a real existence in itself)† (Adl er, 1978). He used causes in order to explain the relations between one and many, which seemed so difficult for most philosophers before. According to him there are four causes â€Å"Material cause, or the elements  out of which an object is created; Efficient cause, or the means  by which it is created; Formal cause, or the expression of  what it is; Final cause, or the end  for which it is† (Adler, 1978). Aristotle really managed to treat the problems of metaphysics deeper than his teacher, introducing a number of interesting ideas and approaches.The aim of the Aristotle’s philosophy was the universal, the same like by his teacher – Plato. But the difference was that he found the universal in special things, he referred to it as essence of things; for Plato the universal was not included into the particular things, but building a separate prototype. Epistemology of Aristotle is guided by the study of particular things and then coming to the knowledge o f essences. â€Å"For Aristotle, form still refers to the unconditional basis of phenomena but is instantiated in a particular substance (see Universals and particulars, below). In a certain sense, Aristotles method is both inductive and deductive, while Platos is essentially deductive from a priori principles† (Ackrill, 1997).Aristotle introduced the notion â€Å"natural philosophy† as a branch of philosophy, conducting studies of natural world and its phenomena; nowadays these are such disciplines as biology or physics and so on. Nowadays however the studies of natural world are not related to philosophy, which is actually occupied with such issues as ethics, logic, metaphysics. Aristotle made a clear difference between â€Å"science† and â€Å"scientific method†, as for him â€Å"all science (dianoia) is either practical, poetical or theoretical (Ackrill, 1997). By practical science, he means ethics and politics; by poetical science, he means the stud y of poetry and the other fine arts; by theoretical science, he means physics, mathematics and metaphysics† (Adler, 1978). Aristotle paid a great attention to studies of the objects of natural world, science. His contributions to mathematics were not considerable enough in comparison to his researches in the fields of zoology, botany, chemistry, astronomy.Aristotle studied the issues of ethics, viewing it as a try to find out the highest good. This main end is usually referred to as happiness. Happiness is related to some personal experience, which causes immediate controversy to the theory of Plato of self-existing good. The good should be practical, present in the lives of individuals. It can not be substituted with vegetative life, the one which plants have, neither with the sensitive life of animals. â€Å"It follows therefore that true happiness lies in the active life of a rational being or in a perfect realization and outworking of the true soul and self, continued thr oughout a lifetime† (Ackrill, 1997).Essays on Plato and Aristotle part 2

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 99

Journal - Essay Example All children believe in Santa Clause and love the magic of Christmas. So Coca Cola used it and built the association array, something like Santa Claus drinks Coca Cola and Christmas is not full without Coca Cola. At least I understood it in this way and asked to buy me a Cola. In this commercial one may also find the image of happy families, celebrating the holiday and enjoying positive emotions. Children like and need such things and these pictures capture childrens attention. Also the authors used the holiday song with very sticking to the memory tune. Eric Schlosser in his essay Kid Kustomers noticed â€Å"The growth in children’s advertising has been driven by efforts to increase not just current, but also future, consumption. Hoping that nostalgic childhood memories of a brand will lead to a lifetime of purchases (...)†. This pattern works in case of Christmas advertisement by Coca Cola. When I found the clip on YouTube I saw comments like â€Å"I dont feel Christmas until I see and hear that advert† (user pwnsauce8) or â€Å"i love coca cola adverts at christmas i always drink coke on christmas day† (user Ste OC). Also I remember the commercial of 7-UP with Orlando Jones. He plays with small dog and accidentally he hits the pet with the can of 7-UP. I was not cruel to animals, I liked dogs and liked to play with them. I imaged that the dog is kidding and pretending dead so it seemed very funny. This clip did not make me want 7-UP but it made me want a puppy. I asked my parents to buy me a dog every time I saw this video. Now I can say these clips contain no information about goods, its features, or price. There are only emotions and associative arrays in these videos. So the ideal audience of these advertisements has to be emotional and have no logical and critical thinking. Like kids. Basically these drinks are not for children as they contain a lot of harmful for childs body

Friday, October 18, 2019

Questions for American Business History Questions Essay

Questions for American Business History Questions - Essay Example Each one of these steps required imagination and inventiveness. The application of the steam engine as a power source demanded that inventors create new machines that could utilize the improved power and speed of the mechanization. In essence, the world was changing from a set of manual tools over to a system that was powered. Harvesting wheat became a mechanized process of cutting, raking, reaping, and separating the wheat from the chafe. This required a number of machines, and they all required new inventions. The most important technological development that was introduced during the Industrial Revolution was the steam engine. The steam engine made the entire manufacturing process more compact, faster, and far more efficient than the use of manual labor. Within a few decades of the introduction of the steam engine, the textile industry was transformed from a cottage industry into a large-scale factory operation (Mathias, 2001, p.115). According to Stearns (1998), "the industrial revolution progressively replaced humans and animals as the power sources of production with motors" and "steadily increased the proportion of the process accomplished by equipment without direct human guidance" (p.5). The steam engine could be adapted to almost any other machine that had previously depended on human, animal, or water power.

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Philosophy - Essay Example In every action, there is personal consent of doer himself that drives him to perform or decide something. I argue that Chisholm’s belief is right. A person cannot be influenced by any internal or external reason. He takes decision as he thinks is right for him. He is self-confident and determined enough to take decisions and withstand it. God has made every human being a good brain as well as guts. He is confident enough to stand determined in a position of decisiveness. He can take his own decisions without being influenced by any factor. There can be no factor influential enough on determinism. All influences are psychological which makes a person seek those factors in their decision making ability. Chisholm’s concept is in contradiction with Frankfurt who says that there is no consent of people’s actions. He is always directed by some external or internal factors to do or decide something. It is merely an observation that a person is doing something of his own self. His decisions will apparently by himself but in a real sense, they are backed by some internal and external factors. (Earman) Although Chisholm is right about the determinism of human beings, one cannot neglect the power of external and internal factors that influence a person’s decision. There are lots of emotional, psychological, physical and societal factors that make a person decide on something. Frankfurt rightly says that a person is certainly influenced by other factors for taking his decisions. In this world where people are highly concerned about what is going on each other’s life, it is a pertinent fact that there can be a rare decision that is not influenced by any factor. Determinism of human beings and their free will is not so much free to decide whatever he wants. Being a human being, we look for the factors that are associated and included in our decisions. (Joseph Keim Campbell)We evaluate them and then give them weight of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Executive Compensation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Executive Compensation - Essay Example There is an ongoing public indignation over the idea that there are executives who are rewarded handsomely in firms that are experiencing financial losses, facilities closure and employee dislocations in the form of cuts in pay and benefits and forced terminations. At a time when the public is looking for someone or something to blame, is it correct to cap the current executive compensation in the US? This paper will explore this possibility and its impact on American capitalism, whether such a move would be beneficial or harmful to the economy. In the United States, the capitalistic system rewards high risks with high rewards and that executives are paid astronomical amounts for their skills and capabilities. The executive compensation in the US consist the total rewards received by the top-level executives of a corporation. These high-ranking officers include the chief executive officer (CEO), the chief operations officer (COO), the chief financial officer (CFO), as well as the other executives who hold the highest level of management in a firm. The total rewards, meanwhile, is generally consisted of salaries, bonuses, incentive payments, deferred compensation plans, stock options, and the direct provision of goods and services. The stock option for executives could surpass the worth the direct cash payments such as salaries and bonuses. Additional perks may include packages that consist housing, personal staff, transportation and other personal expenses of the top executives, which are normally shouldered by employees. A ccording to Alan Greenspan (2007), the former chairman of the US Federal reserve: A [US] CEO’s compensation has, on average, been tied closely to the market value of his or her firm†¦ CEO compensation at such large US corporations reportedly rose by 10 percent annually between 1993 and 2006, triple the 3.1 percent annual increase of earnings of private-company production or nonsupervisory workers. (p.

Critically analyse how 'Fight Club' might be considered postmodern Essay

Critically analyse how 'Fight Club' might be considered postmodern - Essay Example One of the pieces of the mosaic is consumerism and anti-cultural attitude promulgated in the film. At this point, it is necessary to stress that fragmentation of the issues brings them to the fore and the technique of â€Å"rapid cutting to reinforce the sometimes extreme action† exploited by filmmakers makes the viewer pay close attention to these fragments (Booker 2007: 37). People are eager to find the connection between the pieces of the mosaic and focus on the major topics discussed. Thus, consumerism is â€Å"criticised primarily as an ideological force . . . that weakens and domesticates men† (Giroux & Szeman 2001: 101). Importantly, the trend spreading globally is not regarded as a peculiarity of the society but is presented as a political paradigm lobbied by the rich. According to the narrator and his alter ego, this ideological force is aimed at enslaving people. Tyler draws a line between capitalism and consumerism (which is a result of the former) as both id eologies oppress people and turn them into slaves. Thus, people are enslaved by things and they are forced to have â€Å"everything from IKEA† they â€Å"could possibly want† (Gibson 2004: 183). However, the world of things is opposed to the real world as it is seen by the protagonists. This is a characteristic feature of postmodernism as it is based on opposition to what has been accepted. Tyler emphasises that the world of things is fake and even unreal and this is a postmodern view on reality. Likewise, Featherstone (2007: 6) notes that â€Å"through consumerism† people are creating â€Å"a destabilized, aestheticized hallucination of reality†. People are taught to fit into the world of IKEA and strive for more things and this makes them feel uneasy as a human cannot and should not become a part of such an unreal reality. The very concept of free will ceases to exist in such a world. Apart from that, the world of consumers

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Executive Compensation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Executive Compensation - Essay Example There is an ongoing public indignation over the idea that there are executives who are rewarded handsomely in firms that are experiencing financial losses, facilities closure and employee dislocations in the form of cuts in pay and benefits and forced terminations. At a time when the public is looking for someone or something to blame, is it correct to cap the current executive compensation in the US? This paper will explore this possibility and its impact on American capitalism, whether such a move would be beneficial or harmful to the economy. In the United States, the capitalistic system rewards high risks with high rewards and that executives are paid astronomical amounts for their skills and capabilities. The executive compensation in the US consist the total rewards received by the top-level executives of a corporation. These high-ranking officers include the chief executive officer (CEO), the chief operations officer (COO), the chief financial officer (CFO), as well as the other executives who hold the highest level of management in a firm. The total rewards, meanwhile, is generally consisted of salaries, bonuses, incentive payments, deferred compensation plans, stock options, and the direct provision of goods and services. The stock option for executives could surpass the worth the direct cash payments such as salaries and bonuses. Additional perks may include packages that consist housing, personal staff, transportation and other personal expenses of the top executives, which are normally shouldered by employees. A ccording to Alan Greenspan (2007), the former chairman of the US Federal reserve: A [US] CEO’s compensation has, on average, been tied closely to the market value of his or her firm†¦ CEO compensation at such large US corporations reportedly rose by 10 percent annually between 1993 and 2006, triple the 3.1 percent annual increase of earnings of private-company production or nonsupervisory workers. (p.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

I believe that using technology is a good way to improve our student's Research Paper

I believe that using technology is a good way to improve our student's literacy my Phenomenon - Research Paper Example Writing on keyboard allows an individual room to make spelling mistakes, because they automatically get notified, thus allowing the individual to totally concentrate upon ideas and their interpretation into words. (Schacter) has analyzed five largest and two small scale studies to analyze the effect of technology upon education. As a result of the analysis, Schacter found that the various types of technologies studied in the selected studies that included but were not limited to the computer assisted education, collaborated networked technology, and integrated learning systems technology had positive impact upon the achievement of students in general. Nevertheless, there were special conditions in which technology was found to have no or adverse impact upon education and achievement. For example, the technology is of no use when the objectives of learning are unclear, and some people tend to pay more attention towards technology than education, which makes the attainment of education a secondary goal when it should actually be primary. The research emphasizes that maximum use of technology can be made by clear identification of learning goals, and improvement of the learning environment. There is a well constructed article upon the negative effects of the use of technology in classroom education written by Julia Klaus. (Klaus) has asserted that negative effects may result from the use of technology in classroom if it is used inappropriately. Three potential adverse effects have been identified that are wastage of time in setting the technology or making students skilled in its handling and use, overuse of technology, and promotion of game mentality. Justification of Evidence: The book by (Thompson et al) provides a lot of evidence in support of my point of view that considers technology a means of improving special students’ literary skills. The book is quite relevant to the subject under consideration in that it offers a thorough and comprehensive expla nation of the numerous ways in which computer aided education improves the special students’ reading and writing skills. If we are to judge the role of technology in the education of students, nothing can be better than studying its effects upon the tendency of special students to gain education. Special students are students with disabilities. They are exposed to more challenges than normal students in the attainment of education. Thus, if technology works for them, it definitely does for normal students as well. This is the reason why I selected this book for analyzing this matter. The authors have made a thorough analysis of all potential areas that may be cause of problem in the attainment of appropriate literary skills. Thompson et al first identify the responsibilities of educators, followed by common literacy problems experienced by the students with disabilities. I considered this document worthy of selection for analysis because it covers five of the largest research es ever pertaining to the technological education in addition to two smaller scale researches. The studies are not only the largest but also quite diverse in their sample sizes, heterogeneity of sample and the areas of investigation. After conducting the thorough

Gender Issues In Education, Sports And Employment Essay Example for Free

Gender Issues In Education, Sports And Employment Essay Gender is the cultural construct attached to the fact of biological sex. The construct of gender has come to carry significant meaning with regard to the valuing of people or behaviors according to gender qualifications. There is much evidence that suggest that gendered inequality is the product of female oppression in a world dominated by global male hegemony within and across institutions including family, school, politics, and the labor market. Gender inequality is generally manifested in unequal rights for women of access to basic social services such as education; unequal rights for equal work in the employment sector, and unequal opportunities in sports. This paper is a brief discussion of the specific problems commonly identified within the issue of gender inequality in the mentioned areas, along with a number of potential solutions to ease, if not to totally eradicate the said inequities. Gender Issues in Education The literature on women’s and girls’ education frequently focuses o gendered inequalities in educational opportunities, educational attainment, and status of women in social, political and economic arenas both within and across nations. This problem may seem relatively straightforward, but gendered educational inequity is a complex phenomenon. Women’s education is strongly contextualized by the social and cultural environment of the local schools and national educational systems. Schools are the locus for much of the progress that is being made towards a culture of equality, although there is still much more to be done in order for gender equality to be a consistent characteristic of educational systems around the world (Valian, 2004). A solution seen for this is to institutionalize gender equity standards as components of school policy and structure, which will make it more likely that gendered inequalities will be both observed and identified as inequity. In this way, a heightened sense of awareness in gendered educational inequality could work on behalf of women. Gender Issues in Sports Gender differentiation has also been powerfully constructed through sports and the culture of sports. Moreover, Scraton and Flintoff (2002) asserted that organized sport has been a powerful cultural arena for reinforcing the ideology and actuality of male superiority and dominance; its traditions, symbols, and values have tended to preserve patriarchy and women’s subordinate position in society. Sport was an activity that serves two purposes for men: it meets their recreational needs, and it is a perfect antidote for their anxieties about effeminacy. Sport thus became a popular means for men to reaffirm their masculinity, and hence, a powerful tool for maintaining patriarchal gender relations. These social conditions made being both a woman and an athlete an anomaly in life. Female athletes did not suit society’s ideal of femininity, and those who persisted in sport suffers various aversive sanctions, especially derogation and public ridicule. A solution seen about this issue is for sports organizations to be prepared to analyze critically the ways they operate, the ways they make policy, and the ways in which national and international policy processes influence or are influenced by these sites of power. Gender Issues in Employment Gender inequality in employment begins with the gender labeling of workers. Gender categorization in workplace primes workers and employers alike to infuse stereotypic assumptions about gender into the institutional scripts by which a job is enacted and represented to others (Blakemore and Griggs, 2007). Employers often begin the process by implicitly or explicitly seeking workers of a particular gender on the basis of assumptions about labor costs that are themselves suffused by the effect of gender status beliefs. On the occasions that they hire a woman for a certain position, the pay is lower compared to a man employed in the exact same position. As a further result, women are inclined to be concentrated in casual occupations, where salary and work environment are poorer than in formal and public positions. The understanding of how to work towards gender equality is that people need to change inequitable social systems and institutions. Generally, institutional change is the requirement for addressing the root causes of gender inequality. It means changing organizations which, in their programs, policies, structures, and ways of working, discriminate against women. Organizations should work on legal and policy change, or change material conditions. In order to bring about gender equality in employment, change must occur at the personal level and at the social level. It must occur in formal and informal relations. References Scraton, S. Flintoff, A. (2002). Gender and Sport: A Reader. New York: Routledge. Blakemore, K. Griggs, E. (2007). Social Policy: An Introduction. New York: Open University Press. Valian, V. (2004). Beyond Gender Schemas: Improving the Advancement of Women in Academia. NWSA Journal, 16 (1): 207-220.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Referendum for Scottish Independence

Referendum for Scottish Independence The referendum for the Scottish independence will take place on the 18th of September 2014. This would most definitely lead to the breakup of the United Kingdom. There have been a series of arguments supporting the break up, and other not supporting the break up. The independence of Scotland is mainly supported by the Scottish National Party. According to this party, achieving independence from the United Kingdom is beneficial to Scotland, because the Scottish will be able to implement policies that are of great concern to them[1]. On this basis, Scotland will be able to achieve self-determination. The Scottish National Party believes that by achieving independence, the people of Scotland will be able to make the right policies, concerning their economy, and society at large. The Scottish National Party further believes that the government situated in Westminster is not a representation of the Scottish people, and this is because the many of the Scots did not vote for the government under consideration. Despite this factor, this government makes major decisions concerning issues that affect the Scottish families, and communities[2]. The Scottish National Party finds this situation unacceptable. On this basis, proponents of independence argue that with an independent government, the country can focus on issues that affect the Scottish people, and also one that would protect the interests of the Scots, and anybody living in Scotland. Furthermore, the Scottish National Party believe that the policy initiated by the UK government reducing taxes on the wealthiest is not of the Interest of the Scots, and on this basis, it aims at reversing such laws, and initiating a universal tax system that would serve the entire Scottish population. However, there are counter arguments developed by people who are strongly opposed to the independence of Scotland[3]. One reason advanced is that a strong Scottish parliament, entrenched within the political structures of the United Kingdom enables Scotland to experience the very of both world. That is the ability to make decisions in Scotland, as well as the ability to play an importan t role in creating a secure and strong United Kingdom. On this basis, people who do not support independence argue that Scotland is strong when it is entrenched withi8n the political structure of the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom is strong and secure with Scotland as its member. Furthermore, anti-independence proponents argue that important British institutions such as BBC and the Bank of England were created by Scotsmen[4]. On the other hand, the UK pension system was developed by a Briton, while the NHS was created by a Welsh man. On this basis, if the Scots and other members of the Kingdom work together, then chances are high that they would make the Kingdom a better place to stay. To accelerate the strength of the unity, the Scots, together with other members of the union fought together to destroy Nazism, fascism, and other ideologies that were a danger to the unity and prosperity of other members of the Kingdom. These proponents further argue that the Scots are justifying independence on the basis of protecting their social welfare and interests. However, this is difficult, when the Scots leave the British connection[5]. This is because chances are high that there will be barriers to trade, uncertainties, and political and economic instability. To protect themselves from these uncertainties, the best method is to maintain the British connection. This would ensure more prosperity, more jobs, and more economic growth in Scotland. Furthermore, the world is moving to regional integrations, and examples include ASEAN, and the European Union[6]. This therefore proves that states needs to corporate in the international system, and negotiate as one community, for purposes of protecting their interests. This would prove virtually be impossible if Scotland decides to gain independence. For instance gaining membership in the European Union is a very difficult process that normally takes so many years. Furthermore, the economy of UK is strong, stable, and very big. This is a very big advantage to various business organizations in Scotland, and this is because they can easily access this market, without facing an y barriers. Furthermore, the Currency of the United Kingdom is the most successful and oldest in the world, and on this basis, it is a good currency for trading with[7]. These proponents further argue that it would be very difficult for Scottish organization to competitively conduct business in the international arena. This is because other countries are negotiating as a block, and on this basis, Scotland needs to be under the UK in order to compete effectively in these foreign markets. Under United Kingdom, Scottish businesses will be able to find new markets, and improve on their existing ones[8]. Scotland security will further be strong, and this is because they will be under the protection of the British armed forces. Lon this note, the Scots will have a say in the UN Security Council, as well as NATO. These anti-independence proponents further denote that Scotland and English have interacted with each other, for many years. This interaction amongst each other promotes multi-ethnicity, and it is therefore strength for Scotland. These proponents argue that thousand of Scots, and the English have intermarried with each other, they have formed famil ies, and are neighbors. On this basis, voting for independence is not a wise decision, and this is because the disadvantages of independence outweigh the advantages of independence[9]. In conclusion, Scotland should not vote for independence. This is because the arguments brought forth by the Scottish National Party are not sincere. For instance, the British political system is democratic, and everybody is responsible for electing the person they want. On this basis, the Scots also had a chance to participate in the elections and elect their representatives. Arguing that the government at Westminster is not representation is there undemocratic and not sincere. Furthermore, the decision to gain independence from UK is not wise, and this is because Scotland will lose many trading opportunities that they enjoyed while under the UK. This would make the economy of Scotland vulnerable to manipulations from the international community, and other powerful economies. On this basis, arguments brought forth by anti-independence proponents are valid. Bibliography: BBC News. Salmond calls for independence referendum in 2014. BBC News. BBC, 1 Oct. 2012. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.>. Crawford, R., Bannockburns: scottish independence and the literary imagination, 1314-2014.. S.l.: Edinburgh Univ Press, 2014. Print. Gordts, E., Scotlands Secession Vote: Indecisive Independence. The Huffington Post., 5 Sept. 2013. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. vote_n_3876007.html>. Market, J., The economic implications for the United Kingdom of Scottish Independence: 2nd report of session 2012-13. London: The Stationery Office, 2013. Print. Saunders, B., Scottish Independence and the All-Affected Interests Principle. Politics 33.1 (2013): 47-55. Print. [1] J, Market., The economic implications for the United Kingdom of Scottish Independence: 2nd report of session 2012-13. London: The Stationery Office, 2013. P. 44 [2] B, Saunders., Scottish Independence and the All-Affected Interests Principle. Politics 33.1 (2013): 49 [3] J, Market., The economic implications for the United Kingdom of Scottish Independence: 2nd report of session 2012-13. London: The Stationery Office, 2013. P. 32 [4] BBC News. Salmond calls for independence referendum in 2014. BBC News. BBC, 1 Oct. 2012. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.>. P. 7 [5] BBC News. Salmond calls for independence referendum in 2014. BBC News. BBC, 1 Oct. 2012. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.>. P. 4 [6] E, Gordts., Scotlands Secession Vote: Indecisive Independence. The Huffington Post., 5 Sept. 2013. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.>. p. 6 [7] Saunders, B., Scottish Independence and the All-Affected Interests Principle. Politics 33.1 (2013): 51. [8] R, Crawford., Bannockburns: scottish independence and the literary imagination, 1314-2014.. S.l.: Edinburgh Univ Press, 2014. [9] E, Gordts., Scotlands Secession Vote: Indecisive Independence. The Huffington Post., 5 Sept. 2013. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.>. p. 8

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Understanding Teens Who Self Injure Essay -- Psychology Depression You

Understanding Teens Who Self Injure   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Imagine being sixteen years old and taking a razor to your arm because you feel so much pain inside that cutting is the only way to escape it. For a lot of people this idea seems strange and incomprehensible, but for many teenagers this is their reality. In a society with so much abuse, neglect and crime children are facing things that they never had to face in the past. Adolescents who are lacking more positive coping skills are turning to self-injurious behaviors to ease their pain and frustration.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In recent years the issue of self-injurious behaviors or SIB (White Kress, 2003) has increased in popularity. The general public is starting to take a special interest in the issue as more and more people are doing it. The issue of self-mutilation can be found in movies, television and popular literature today. With increasing media attention people want to understand what these behaviors include, who does it and why. Although researchers agree that more research is needed on the topic, much is already known about these behaviors. About 1% of the general population and 4% of the mental health population suffer from a form of SIB (Shoemaker, 2004). Often times people who suffer from SIB have preexisting mental health disorders such as major depression, Dysthymia, dissociate identity disorder, OCD, substance abuse disorders, adjustment disorders, schizophrenia, personality disorders, and eating disorders (Brittlebank et al. as quoted in White Kress, 2003).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although there is many different definitions of what SIB is, most researchers would agree that ?SIB is defined as a volitional act to harm one?s body without any intention to die as a result of the behavior? (White Kress, 2003). There are also a lot of different terms out there for these behaviors, they include self-inflicted violence, self-injury, self-harm, parasuicide, cutting, self-abuse, and self-mutilation (Martinson, 2001). Without any intention to die as a result is a very important piece of information when understanding SIB. While many people who self injure do have suicidal ideation, most are not in fact suicidal. ?Menninger described self-mutilation as the focusing of suicidal impulse on part of the body instead of the whole body to avoid actual suicide? (Zila & Kiselica, 2001). Someone who is suicidal wants to end his or her life, howev... from SIB could have suicidal ideation, which at times Lisa does, but I would not consider her suicidal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Overall, my information was very informative and well written. It gave me a clearer look into the world of SIB and a better understanding of Lisa and what she is dealing with. I definitely think more research needs to be done in the field. I would like to find more information on boys with SIB because that seems to be becoming more frequent and also more treatment suggestions. Works Cited Martinson, Deb. (2001). Self Injury. Focus Adolescent Services.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Personal Interview with Lisa at Kids Peace Children?s Psychiatric Hospital Shoemaker, Carma Haley. (2004). A Cut Above: The Practice of Self-Mutilation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Teenagers today. White Kress, Victoria. (2003). Self Injurious Behaviors: Assessment and Diagnosis. J  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Journal of Counseling & Development, 81(4), 490-497. Zila, Laurie MacAniff & Kiselica Mark. (2001). Understanding and Counseling Self-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mutilation in Female Adolescents and Young Adults. Journal of Counseling &   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Development, 79 (1) 46-53.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Film Review of The Crucible :: Essay on The Crucible

Film Review of The Crucible The Crucible: A Film Review Who'd have thought that simple dancing could cause so much chaos in a small town. This is precisely what happens in the film The Crucible (Nicholas Hytner, 1996), which was originally written as a play by Arthur Miller. This story is based on actual events, which helps in showing the accuracy of the events. The story takes place in Salem in 1692, during the Salem witch trials. The story starts when a group of young girls, particularly one named Abigail, are caught dancing around a fire in the woods by the town preacher, Samuel Parris. In an effort to avoid getting in trouble, the girls begin to make accusations against the townspeople, saying that these people are witches who forced them to dance. As the hysteria grows in Salem, people begin to question their own neighbors, simply out of spite and vengeance, among other things. The Crucible is certainly historically accurate in it's portrayal of the townspeople's beliefs and attitudes. It is a film that should be seen to view the way people were in the seventeenth century. Fear was probably the biggest reason for all of the happenings. Fear is what got the girls started on their accusations, as they were afraid to get in trouble. They knew that if they were thought to be conjuring spirits, they would be hung. The townspeople were also afraid, especially of those who were different. They felt that they must be rid of anyone who disagreed with their beliefs. Just look at how the Puritans treated the Indians. They feared the Native Americans because their beliefs were different than their own. Also, the main reason that people were accused in the first place, is because when Tituba was being questioned, they were asking if she saw Sara Good and Sara Osborne with the Devil. Of course she said yes, they were threatening to kill her. Another example of fear in the village, is the fear of accepting your own actions and taking responsibility. The Puritans believed in predestination, and if the girls were dancing just to dance, and not because the Devil took them from their path to God, the townspeople would then have to take the responsibility for that, as it would be thier fault for letting these girls go astray. They were also afraid of change. Change in their beliefs would shut down the entire town, because it was built mainly on their ideology.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Cyclops

Odysseus, the guy who poked me in my only eye, has been fighting for ten years in a city called Troy. When he finally finished, the gods were angry and sent a huge storm in the sea their way. The Greek warriors waited for the storm to end. They ended up on the shore of an island. It’s actually my island. I, Polyphemus, live in a cave on my island. It has lots of food so I’m good. Odysseus and his men explored the island and found my cave. They feasted on my baby lambs, goats, fruits and vegetables.They knew I was going to arrive soon so they planned on offering wine. Then I came in and saw visitors that were not invited. I asked who they were. They said they are warriors from Troy and they were under protection from the god Zeus. I said that I don’t care if they were under protection from Zeus and that I was not afraid of him. I ate two guys and fell asleep. That night Odysseus desperately tried to think of a plan to escape. He found timber and sharpened the end of it. He offers me wine. I drank it.Then for the second time in the story I fall asleep. Odysseus and his men blind me with the sharpened timber. They hid under my fat lambs so I couldn’t find them. They quickly escape and run to their ship. Odysseus taunts me. I throw a boulder with my almost perfect aim. I miss by just a little bit so they got away safely. I mean, come on, they should’ve got a screwed up ship because I only missed by like inches , but anyways, yea, I promise to get revenge the next time he comes back and touches my eye.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Educational and Cultural Experience Essay

In research undertaking the methodology section is one of the crucial areas to be tackled in a proposal document. This is due to the fact that it forms the basis of the results of research findings. A research can be faced with big challenges due to a wrong choice of the method to be used. To avoid this good planning of the method is essential and more in order to get reliable results. The issue of reliability establishes that a research should have the ability to show consistency in the results even after a study is done by different researchers repeatedly. Reliability in research study can also be enhanced through good structure of the methodology. When the correct data collection methods are used, proportional samples are collected and the correct method of analysis is used in a research can achieve validity. In a research, the research problem forms the basis of research (Morgan et al. ,1980), and this is where the study should focus on. The methodology can take on either the positivist approach also known as the quantitative, or take the post positivist approach also known as the qualitative approach. The qualitative approach is a more detailed than the quantitative approach as it lays more emphasis on the finer details of the data and in most cases, it involves a researcher’s judgment and interpretation. Quantitative approach deals more with quantification like calculating the population sample, population size among others. The choice of the researcher on either the qualitative or the quantitative approach depends on whether the research/study is inclined to the natural sciences or the social sciences (Finch, 1986); (Easterby-Smith et al. 1991). 3. 1 Role of the Researcher The role of the researcher is an integral part of the evaluative process in the qualitative research. I am a certified teacher of mathematics, music and elementary education. Prior to the classroom, more than ten years were spent in insurance investigative claims work. The occupation included extensive ‘on-the-job’ training in organization, communication and interviewing skills. I was also deployed to Kuwait and Afghanistan, respectively, and have over 15 years in the United States military acquiring certain proficiency as a planner, liaison, administrator and human resource specialist. Co-operative inquiry involves at least four different kinds of epistemology; in other words, ways of knowing. Presentational knowing results from experiential knowing and provides the first form of expression through narratives and various expressions of art. Presentational knowing is expressed through ideas and theories. Practical knowing is modeling how to do something and is portrayed in a skill or competence. These epistemologies are compatible with each other. If knowing is grounded in experience, expressed through stories and images, understood through sounds ideas, and expressed in worthwhile action in one’s life, then knowing will be ‘more valid’ (Reason, 1999). 3. 2 Research Design To appropriately analyze the participant’s stories, the research will employ a narrative framework that serves as a screen through which the story of the participant may be examined. This method also becomes an avenue for which the participant may critically reflect on his own perspectives in order to construct or reconstruct meaning in his own life world. The considerable narrative analysis approach requires a level of scholarship and sensitivity which I am preparing to employ. This approach involves a human science observer that is a sensitive of the subtleties of everyday life. Ardent reading of relevant texts of the humanities, history, philosophy, anthropology and the social sciences as they pertain to the domain of interest is a main ingredient to the effectiveness of this proposed research (van Manen, 1990). For this study, the researcher actively participates in examining the experiences of a translator in the delivery of translation of language and culture amidst the socio-political challenges of the past. Qualitative research is exploratory in nature and is best suited for understanding phenomena. The approach should remain pragmatic for the researcher in order to remain in a tentative state with regard to applicable variables or desirable themes which may enable appropriate examination of the individual’s experiences. 3. 3 Data Collection Methods During my 12 month deployment as a liaison officer, I commenced amicable communication with each of the translators who accompanied me to the daily meetings. During my tenure, I engaged in many open discussions concerning cultural and social differences, nuances in communication and language disparities. After a few months, I presented some of my proposal ideas and opened discussion to the possibility of participation in a study I was contemplating. Several of the translators asked me to serve as their advocate in order to petition for the United States Special Visa. So, over the last year, many of these translators have since relocated to various communities in the United States. Both secondary and primary data sources will be used. The triangulation method of data collection will involve the use of interviews, literature review and case studies (Zikmund 2003, pp. 1-745). The primary data method that was used is the questionnaire method of data collection. Questionnaires were distributed among the Afghan officials, Liaison officers, and interpreters. There were also case studies that were conducted for other three countries to know about the experiences of interpreters in the other countries compare with the ones in Afghanistan. This also drew an insight of the various experiences of interpreters in other countries. There was the use of literature review in order gather information on the educational and cultural experiences of interpreters generally. The literature in this research included research journals, books, articles and sources from university libraries (Dick, 2000). Interviews also form pertinent component data collection methods. This enabled the getting of a clear picture of the plight and livelihood of Afghan interpreter, their mode of operations, factors affecting them and future predictions on their cultural and educational experiences. The four categories of quality management in research were highly considered. They include; validity, reliability, ethics and rigor (Zikmund, 2003). Reliability of a research is its ability to have consistence in results. This was done through controlling the sample by stratifying the population to get a more representative sample. Validity is the ability of a scale to measure what it is intended to measure but not going beyond the topic of the study. The triangulation method was used to control this aspect in research. Ethics involves adherence to the norms accepted in gathering of information. This was ensured by providing secrecy on the information collected from the subjects. The rigor of the research was directed towards efficient sample size in a critical facet in any investigation. The main purpose a researcher will utilize a sample is to reduce the charges and collect important data faster (Zikmund, 2003). The key purpose of data collection was to ensure a rich set of description was obtained. To achieve this, the interviews were transcribed in real time by the interviewer. The responses were then reduced and analyzed by adopting principles of data codification and clustering (Miles et al, 1994). 3. 4 Sources Researches normally rely on secondary data to enable them gain initial insight into the research problem. The classification of secondary sources of information is on the basis of internal or external sources referring to information acquired within the organization or outside the organization. The secondary sources are liked for their cost saving aspects and time saving. Secondary sources of information are supposed to be searched prior to conducting primary research, and usually for the literature review section of a research. This is because secondary information provides useful background that identifies main questions and all other issues that will need to be tackled by the primary research (Steppingstones, 2004). The disadvantages that are associated with the use of the secondary sources range from the unavailability of pertinent information on the research topic, to the integrity, accuracy, and reliability of some secondary sources. Other disadvantages associated with secondary sources arise where data is available in a format other than that required by a researcher, and the age of the information particularly where the information is several years old and may not reflect the present circumstances. This makes it necessary to limit secondary information to sources which are not more than six years old (Steppingstones, 2004). The data gathered for this research is from a wide range of documentary sources relating to the cultural and educational experiences of interpreters in general as well as those specifically relating to the plight and livelihood of the Afghan interpreters. These mainly included policy documents, academic and the non-academic documents. First, journals on livelihood of Afghan interpreters were searched. Second, electronic databases were searched using key words like ‘interpreters’, ‘translators’ ‘Afghan interpreters’ and ‘experiences of Afghan interpreters’. Third, Afghan government website for International communication and the website for the International Security Assistance Force were searched. Literature review included both conceptual and empirical works with about 25 articles reviewed for this study. 3. 5 Interviews Interviews in a research are useful in getting information behind a participant’s experiences. This is particularly important because an interviewer may be able to pursue in-depth information regarding the topic of study, and also the fact that interviews serve as follow-ups to responses obtained from questionnaires. Qualitative research interview should seek to give a description and meaning of central themes regarding the experiences of the subjects, by seeking to cover both the factual and meaning level. It was important that a guided interview approach was adopted so as to ensure that same general areas of information are gathered from each interviewee (Valenzuela et al. , 2004). The interviews dwelt on the following areas: †¢ Educational and cultural background of interpreters. †¢ The relationship between educational background and cultural background of the afghan interpreters. †¢ How the educational and cultural backgrounds shape the livelihood and experiences of the afghan interpreters. †¢ What the future hold for the afghan interpreters and their plight given the limited educational background as well as the rigid cultural backgrounds. Once the data is collected through the open-ended interview process, the documents will be transcribed. After transcription, to ensure a correct analysis of the data, the participant will be shown the transcription and asked if what is written is aligned with their viewpoints. The data will then be analyzed from the transcription. Qualitative research is exploratory in nature and is best suited for understanding phenomena. The approach should remain pragmatic for the researcher in order to remain in a tentative state with regard to applicable variables or desirable themes which may enable appropriate examination of the individual’s experiences.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ethics Governing Cyber Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Ethics Governing Cyber Laws - Essay Example As more and more people were allowed to use the networks problems arose. Before computers became more mainstream they were the domain of the computer "geeks" who used them for entertainment. They used them to play complex games and often wrote the programs for the computers they used. Many of these computer users found it challenging to "hack" into available networks such as military and university sites. This is considered "gaining unauthorized access to a computer system" (Oxford Dictionary of Law, 2006). These sites put up the first "firewalls" to prevent, or limit, access. To this day websites are often the victim of hackers trying to do as much damage as possible. As computer usage became more and more mainstream computer networks grew. Usage became more user-friendly. The internet became a major vehicle for sharing knowledge, communicating, and entertaining its users. Today students spend a good portion of their days on the internet researching and learning. Many have completed college in online classrooms. As the use of the internet grew it became an asset to many users and organizations. Communication between users became easier and easier. The internet has become a communication tool, educational tool, and a requirement for many jobs. Employers often require entry level workers to have computer related training. Using such tools as Word, Excel, and Access are considered entry level skills that are taught at the high school level. Older workers are required to learn these skills on their own to keep up with the technological changes at their workplace. With all the good the internet brings it also is an avenue for modern criminals to take advantage of others. The problem with the internet is that it is hard to legislate and enforce laws having to do with internet usage and it is hard to tell where to draw the line when it comes to what is okay and what is not. Many computer users exploit this grey area and get all they can out of the internet. It is this grey area that will be the focus of this paper. Ethical Behavior Ethical behavior is defined as "relating to moral principals"(Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 2006). Ethical behavior consists of conducting yourself according to principals of right and wrong. It is the basic principal of what an individual considers right, or good behavior, and wrong behavior. These moral standards vary from one culture to another and are often not mandated. Ethical behavior consists of "fair and honest behavior" (Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 2006). Those most vulnerable to the temptation of cyber ethics violations are teenagers and young adults who are still developing their ethics. There are many behaviors this group will try out to see how much they can get away with. Many attempt to download music and videos that are copyrighted. Many others have moved on to riskier behaviors such as identity theft and falsifying log on details to access pornography sites. Because ethical behavior varies from one culture to another it is hard to legislate this behavior as wrong or right. What one person might never do another may find permissible. Copying information from the internet directly into an academic paper may be considered okay by some and plagiarism by others. And, who draws the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Leadership theory (transformational theory) the components are Essay

Leadership theory (transformational theory) the components are inspiration & individualized consideration - Essay Example Inspiration in transformational leadership means the positive impact a leader has on his followers. The leader should inspire a vision that brings out the best capabilities of his sub-ordinates and pushes them to give their best. On their level best inspiration will push the sub-ordinates to go beyond the ordinary, inspiring extra-ordinary confidence and optimism about the future and belief in their own capabilities. The theory works well across all cultures and cross-culture as well. In Arabic cultures people are inspired by leaders who have a personal touch to their work. While in western cultures work is non-personal. Nevertheless, both the cultures require an inspiration and leaders in both cultures follow transformational models. Individualized consideration is the second part of transformational leadership theory which actually works reasonably well across cultures. Individualized consideration requires the leader to attend to each sub-ordinate individually, keeping all communication channels open and learning about behavior patterns. This also encourages the sub-ordinates to share ideas and celebrate the idea of individual contribution to a project. Individualized consideration works because the leader acts like mentor instead of a bureaucratic boss. Sub-ordinates warm up to the idea of contributing more to their jobs than routine work and they also feel that they are being given special attention by their bosses. Secondly, transformational leadership has lead leaders to work more efficiently in different cultures and different settings due to its wide acceptance. The Internet has made the sub-ordinates more open to transformational type of leadership which is helping different cultures assimilate. A few days back I decided to take up a small job as the store manager. It wasn’t something I hadn’t done before. Back in high school I had worked with my dad at his shop but to work for someone else is new to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Worldly Philosophers by Robert Heilbroner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Worldly Philosophers by Robert Heilbroner - Essay Example However, in civilized and advanced societies, the author asserts that this kind of cohesiveness found in primitive societies is missing. In addition, in modern societies fewer incentives exist for people to act in order to survive. This leads to a disfranchised society. Due to intricacy of modern society, small transformation in society could lead to social disarray. The author talks about the struggles in society that people undergo in order to survive (Heilbroner 19). Since we live in a capitalist society, the author argues that it is impossible to prevent some circumstances in capitalist. The overgrowing use of machines enhances high productivity of goods, which creates employment opportunities for workers to work in those industries. It will however be difficult to avoid the use of child labor to work within these industries. Huge gap of social inequalities has also continued to widen further as people become more selfish. The exploitation of the workers has constantly resulted i nto wars and crises, which has been difficult to prevent. The division between the owners of production and the workers meant there is likelihood of war eruption, which in this case is inevitable as a result, impairing the development of a capitalist economy (Heilbroner 21). With huge concentration on capital, whereby small retail units had to pave way for the enlargement of wide markets agriculturalists had to suffer. It should however be noted that this system of capitalist makes it very difficult to control the economic crises. Since markets are identified with money and exchange, Heilbroner asserts that this leads to the problem of equal allocation of resources because of scarce resources. He also states there is also the problem of economic efficient since resources produced are not allocated and distributed equally.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


AN ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WORLD BANK AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES - Essay Example development, namely, means for a long and a healthy life, access to education and access to physical resources which help in a better sustenance of life (Sagar & Najam, 1997, p. 250). Human development thus, is multidimensional in nature, which is automatically served out of overall economic and social progress. The World Bank, however, had been actively involved in alleviating all elements which have been responsible for an underprivileged human life, through implementing investment projects in various aspects. Creation of the organization had been the consequence of the Bretton-Woods Commission held in 1944 following the World War II, to resolve issues such as financial insolvency arising out of depreciation in currency values. Developmental economics supports two approaches to prop up overall growth in an economy, namely, balanced and unbalanced. Though an external push is required in both the cases, in case of balanced growth, the effect is often considered to be a diluted one, which is why unbalanced growth is preferred more in nations suffering from a scarcity of resources.3 Unbalanced growth in fact, had been supported by a large number of economists. Rosenstein Rodan, the proponent of Big Push theory established the importance of unbalanced growth which he regarded to be essential f or the developing nations to break out of the low level equilibrium trap, i.e., for economies which did not have high growth potentials. These investments however, were emphasized for industrial or infrastructural development, which is considered as a fundamental area which can trigger economic growth. But given the lack of investible resources, it was not possible for the national governments themselves to carry on with their investments; in fact they had to seek the help of international organizations like the World Bank which were responsible for resource mobilization activities. The bank established in 1944, had been involved in such development activities hitherto, which

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Things They carried Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Things They carried - Essay Example Each soldier has personal items that reminded him of life at home. This shows that the war was brutal and death was imminent. The author recounts how he was called to service. He explains how he tried to elope to Canada due to personal conviction that the war was not justified. However, fear of criticism and alienation made him adhere to the call. According to him the war was wasteful and he considers himself a coward for engaging in a war that was not justified, in his own sense. In the war, the deaths of comrades keep reminding survivors of the imminent danger. However, the soldiers are psyched up by their obligation to the country. They try to keep their dead friends alive in their minds by engaging in stories about them. The narrator uses fictional characters to represent real aspects of the war. The main characters are used to perpetrate the themes that the author wants to express. The characters include; Tim O’Brien, Mitchell Sanders, Kiowa, Bob â€Å"Rat† Kiley, Norman Bowker, Henry Dobbins, Curt , Bobby Jorgenson, Lemoned Lavender, Jimmy Cross,   Lee Strunk, Dave Jensen, Azar,. The named characters were members of the Alpha Company. He takes on a narrative format to express various themes that were pertinent in the war. It shows the suffering and hard decisions that soldiers had to make. The soldiers suffer physical and emotional burdens while at war. The theme is manifested symbolically through the heavy loads that they carry. They are perturbed by the status of their family, love relationships, fear and responsibility. For example, Dobbins carries his girlfriend pantyhose, an indication for longing of love. Jimmy carries a map which is a show of responsibility, just to name a few. Death claimed most of his of colleagues and was damaging to the emotions of the soldiers. Truth is another theme that is manifest in the novel. Though the